A: Sooooooooooooooooup! (Get It?)
Happy Halloween Old Farmers,
When we start feeling the chill in the air that must mean that harvest time is upon us and what a great time of year it is!
Find out what tantalizing local treasures are in season and try some out before the winter comes. Tomatoes, Greens and Peppers may be winding down but Apples, Squash, Pumpkins and other fun root veggies are in full swing.
As much as we love the summertime there's something that can be said about soup and sweater season; that something is that it's amazing!
Dust off your food processors and canning kits and get cooking fellow Old Farmers. Our favourite has to be Curried Butternut Squash and Roasted Apple Soup.
What's your all-time favourite soup or stew?